Teatro Paraguas
Teatro Paraguas stages contemporary award-winning Latinx plays in English and bilingual productions of Hispanic/Latinx poetry and classic cuentos (folk-tales), while promoting children's theatre, producing the works of New Mexico playwrights, and celebrating the history, richness and diversity of New Mexico's many cultures and artistic talent.
We are open to partnerships with other arts organizations, non-profit service organizations and local businesses, as well as commissions, mentorships, suggestions for programming, comments, and feedback.
Teatro Paraguas' "Son De Domingo" events provide opportunities for poets and musicians to perform in an intimate setting on Sunday evenings. We also make our studio available for classes, workshops, rehearsals, and performances by performers and other theater companies
3205 Calle Marie Suite B , Santa Fe, New Mexico 87507
Phone: 505 424-1601
Email: teatroparaguas@gmail.com